Ever wished to rank at the top of Google? For some, that is a major landmark achieved.
What if achieving this is possible?
In this article, you will learn how to claim the top spot without changing your domain using a featured snippet.
Google featured snippet: What does it mean?
This is the singular summary search result extracted from the page which is sometimes seen above the normal search results in Google, is becoming seemingly popular, and answers a question.
It contains the page title and URL and the answer extracted from the page content.
Although most SERPs have ten results in positions 1 to 10, a featured snippet goes straight to rank in Position 0.
Featured snippet vs direct answer
Featured Snippet differs from a Direct Answer because unlike featured snippet, direct answer provides an answer to a query but has no link to a source.
Types of featured snippet
There are basically three types of featured snippet namely Paragraph, List and Table.
Paragraph Featured snippet
This is the most common type of featured snippet.
It highlights and displays answers from a series of points in the related article of the top ranked site.
List Featured snippet
This is used for top product search queries that require series of steps for task accomplishment. The list featured snippet is either numbered or bulleted.
Table Featured snippet
This type of featured snippet is displayed when you search for the price of a product or service, and excellently summarizes pricing, promotions, and shipping information.
Ranking in position 0 with a featured snippet
There is no one way to rank in position zero, but you can try the ones highlighted below;
Stay in position 0
If your site already ranks in Position 0 for some featured snippets, ensure you remain in that position.
You can look this up using a tool like Serpstat.
To maintain each of your featured snippets ensure you have an up-to-date content that is matched to the current format of the snippet. Also, ensure that the question asked and answer provided are brief and fits into the featured snippet box.
Find and improve your content ranking to reach position zero
Featured snippets are gotten from pages that rank high and in the Top 10.
Identify a high ranking content of yours that could be optimized for a featured snippet.
To achieve this, open the Google search console and click on Search Traffic displayed on the left-hand menu. Now click on Search Analytics looking out for your best-performing content in the Clicks and Positions options.
Next, click on the ‘Position’ column to order results by the highest position and see a list of your best performing content.
Identify competitors’ featured snippets
Using the same method you use to check your best ranking content, you can also check if your competitors are ranking for featured snippets.
If using Serpstat, filter your results by entering your competitor’s domain at the top of the screen.
To identify your competitors, click on the ‘Competitors’ option to get a list.
Once they have been identified, you have to ensure you create better contents optimized for featured snippets.
Research ideal keywords
It is time to perform a keyword research.
To identify keywords suited to featured snippets make use of prepositions for lists, comparisons for tables and direct question words like where, why, who et cetera for paragraph featured snippets.
You can also use the ‘People also ask’ option to further understand questions related to the topic in question.
Finally, you can compile a list of preposition, question and comparison keywords using a research tool called Answer The Public which also happens to be free.
Optimize your content
Google is known for making featured snippets from data extracted from a web page.
Just as it can use a bullet point instruction page to make a paragraph featured snippet, it can also use a standard paragraph text on a page to create list featured snippets.
Optimize your content to increase your chances of gaining the position zero by formatting your content to use headings and subheadings in logical section, or creating problem solving, high-quality trustworthy content that entertains the reader, gives good user experience and provides accurate information.
In formatting your content, use heading options H2, H3, H4, et cetera in a hierarchy.
Also use images where necessary to further illustrate your answers.
For data presentation and comparison, use tables.
To define or explain your answers, use paragraphs.
Furthermore, your content can be formatted based on the type of featured snippet.
Formatting Paragraph featured snippets
If formatting with paragraph featured snippets, adjust your blog to further explain the article, ask the question in the subheading, and immediately answer the question using one-paragraph of about 300 characters or 40 and 50 words.
Begin your page with the information that best answers the question, move to more detailed information, and then finish up with related topic information.
Formatting List featured snippets
To ensure Google includes the ‘More items’ icon, create a list ensuring it is longer than the eight-item maximum.
Using the ‘More items’ arouses curiosity, and makes the reader eager to see the other benefits not featured.
Formatting Table featured snippets
In a featured snippet table, Google displays a maximum of 3 columns and 9 rows. But if your table contains more rows and columns, Google includes an ‘XX more rows’ message.
Opting out of featured snippets
If you want to entirely opt out of using displayed featured snippets, add the code site-wide or for specific pages only.
WordPress SEO Plugins like Yoast SEO allow you to add tags whilst editing your content to prevent you from misusing the code.
Attaining a position 1 is a slow process that involves a lot of contributing factors.
It is not impossible to rank in position 0 in Google with a featured snippet.
Create engaging content optimized for featured snippets.
Consolidate and improve your existing featured snippets, researching on suitable new keywords.
If after practicing all the tips mentioned you rank in the Top 10 in Google, that is a great achievement and you should be proud of yourself.