The poignant basis of landing pages is visuals. They leave your viewers either happy, informed, downcast as the case may be, or reassured. Most importantly, they can boost your conversions.
Visuals can be integrated into your landing pages either as GIFs, videos or images.
Looking for ways to input visuals in your landing pages? You are in luck as I will be giving you tricks and methods you can use to achieve this.
As Graphic Interchange Formats (GIFS)
GIF is a type of computer file that contains a still or moving image. Contrary to popular opinions, they are not relatively new as they have been in existence since the 80s. If using social media platforms like Facebook, Whatsapp, and Instagram, you may have come across these animations.
These animations come in either image or video forms.
Although limited due to its small file size, GIFs are relatively cheap to create, engaging and helps you appeal to the emotion of your viewers.
If looking for a stress free tool to use for your GIFs creation, you can download CloudApp as it is extremely fast and allows you create GIFs up to 15minutes long.
To boost your landing pages, you can use GIFs to;
Exhibit the product
You can use GIFs to display a product, showing its main features. It involves using animation to show the viewer the features of a product.
As its file size is relatively small, GIFs may be a better option than videos as even users with slow connections can load the page and view the product.
Another method is to display the product in action. Here, the GIF works like a default video as viewers do not unnecessarily need to click to watch the GIF.
If opting for GIFs, show only the important features of the product as its length and file size is relatively small.
As Videos
Using videos can be beneficial as it enhances your video demonstration, improves landing page conversion rates, and quickens visitors understanding of your message and offer. People are actually drawn to videos of products than their written messages. You can also opt for animated messages.
The major flaw likely to be suffered from this is the fact that users with slow network speeds and no speaker are automatically cut off.
To ensure that you do not lose any visitor or potential customer, there should be an alternative for people unable to listen to or watch the video.
Videos are expensive to produce, but with the help of a quality camera, you can make excellent videos. You can also get tools like Da Vinci Resolve if looking for budget-friendly video editing tools.
To boost your landing pages, you can use videos to;
Video as a landing page background
It is now common to see companies use videos as their landing page design background. If opting for this, ensure you have an alternative for users with slow networks. You may also need to use a video hosting platform for your videos.
You can either use a background that doesn’t display your product or its users but adds visual density to the page, or you show the product when in use. The latter may be a better approach as it ensures the customers understand how the product works.
Another way to boost your landing pages using videos is to use them as a selling tool. This involves displaying the video, while a narrator visible or invisible markets the product.
Cover the product when in use
This is basically the most common way as it shows the product and how it works. Product coverage should be used particularly for innovative products. It is akin to giving users a tour of the product laying emphasis on its usage.
Also, ensure your video isn’t unnecessarily lengthy as users may likely not be patient enough to view it. You can also show them the length of the video as a form of reassurance.
As Images
Page load times are essential for a user-friendly experience. Images have been proven to send messages across due to their ability to capture the attention of the viewer while making it easy to use and fast to load. They are readily available, have zero cost, and can be easily edited.
To boost your landing pages, you can use images like;
Product Images
Displaying images of your products on landing pages is very important. Customers naturally want to see what you are advertising as well as know how it works.
Here are some ways product images can be used on your landing pages:
Display the product
This involves showing what the product looks like and how it is used. It is the most commonly used method on landing pages.
If showcasing a unique product, displaying it on the landing page would be ideal. The images may have just a picture of the product or that of people using it, especially if it’s clothing.
Display the product itself
If looking to display an exceptional design and feature the product possesses, you can display it by itself on the landing page. You may also need to use a product-centric design.
If worried that your product may not actually have unique features or design, you can display it laying emphasis on its packaging. This means showing the product in its final state as a packaged good. Do ensure your landing page highlights this.
Human Images
This is ideal as it is easily noticeable. It can be used to hold and direct the audience’s attention to a key aspect on our landing page, as it pleads to the empathic side of the audience.
Here are some ways human images can be used on your landing pages:
Product Identification
You can make your visitors to identify with your products by showing them that they are similar to your customers. This approach leads to higher conversion rate as it appeals to their empathic side and makes them visualize themselves using it.
You can either show existing customers or an idealized version of a customer on your landing pages. It is advised you use existing customers as it is always more genuine.
To Capture Attention
Pictures that are attractive, bold, or dramatic tend to capture our audience’s attention the most.
Though captivating, using human images can backfire if your CTA – message and offer, isn’t strong and compelling enough to hold the audience’s attention. You can also make the model look towards your CTA thereby drawing the audience’s attention to the message.
Abstract Imagery
Here, the image displayed does not relate to the product. They are mostly used because they are captivating and can hold the viewer’s attention.
Here are some ways abstract imagery can be used on your landing pages:
1. Use landscape images
Although doing this doesn’t have any direct effect on your product, it gives an attractive background and sense of engagement for your copy. It can also be added to the one on the page for readers viewing.
2. Use a surrounding that is basic
Using a plain/basic background harmonizes your page design and enables your text to stand out. Using these backgrounds can be beneficial to site visitors with slow network connections, as they load quickly and their file size is always small.
Landing page has to be visually engaging to boost conversions.
Using images, GIFs, and videos to display your product can boost your landing page, capture the attention of your visitors, and increase sales amongst others.
So, what are you waiting for? Jump on this and you just may be on your way to making great sales.